How To Remain Calm During A Fight | Stay Calm & Collected During Pressure

Facing an opponent in a fight or competition can be a nerve-wracking experience. 

The pressure to perform, the adrenaline rush, and the fear of losing can make anyone feel anxious. However, staying calm in such situations is a crucial skill that can be the difference between victory and defeat. Continuing off our previous blog post “5 Ways To Get Rid Of Pre-Fight Nerves”, today we will explore strategies to help you maintain your composure and perform at your best during a fight.

The art of maintaining composure during a fight is a skill that goes beyond physical power. 

It involves mastering your mind and emotions, which are just as, if not more, important on the battlefield as your physical abilities. Whether you're a seasoned boxer or just starting your journey in the sweet science, these techniques will help you stay cool under pressure.

Stay Present.

One of the most fundamental aspects of staying calm during a fight is being present in the moment.

It's easy to get distracted by thoughts about the people watching you in the crowd, what they’re thinking, or your own personal concerns. These distractions can disrupt your focus and lead to costly mistakes. To avoid this, make a conscious effort to be fully present the moment you step into the ring.

When you're present, you're in tune with your surroundings, your opponent's movements, and your own body. Athletes call this flow state. A state of being where time slows down, your mind stops, and your instincts take over. This heightened awareness allows you to react more quickly and make split-second decisions with precision without overthinking. You begin to flow like water.

To cultivate this presence, practice mindfulness techniques in your daily life. Meditation, for example, can help you develop the mental discipline needed to stay present and tap into the flow state.

Being present isn't just about staying focused on the physical aspects of the fight; it's also about embracing the emotional and mental challenges it presents. It's acknowledging the fear and anxiety and using them as sources of motivation and strength. By staying present, you harness the full power of your mind and body, giving you the edge you need to emerge victorious in the ring.

The Anchoring Technique.

In the heat of a fight, unexpected events can throw you off balance. 

Your opponent might land a surprising punch or execute a takedown that catches you off guard. In such moments, the anchoring technique can be your lifeline - or the difference that helps you win.

Anchoring is an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) technique that refers to the process of associating an internal response with some environmental or mental trigger so that the response may be quickly, and sometimes covertly, reaccessed. There is a lot of research that proves the effectiveness of NLP techniques - and the power it has to combat anxiety.

This technique in particular can be personalized to suit your needs. For example, if your opponent connects with a punch that rattles you, it might involve taking two deep breaths, repeating a confidence-boosting mantra to yourself, clenching your fists and letting go, or tapping your gloves together twice. Find what works for you and make it a part of your mental preparation. 

This technique helps you reset, regain your focus, and get back to the task at hand. If you pay attention to professional fighters across all combat sports, you’ll find that almost all of them have some form of anchor they habitually return to when they need to regain composure.

The anchoring technique is not just about physical actions; it's also about resetting and releasing negative thoughts and emotions. Acknowledge that setbacks and surprises are part of the fight game. Instead of dwelling on them, use them as opportunities to grow and adapt. By letting go of frustration or self-doubt, you free up mental energy to focus on your next move.

Take Deep Breaths.

Deep Breath

Anxiety and tension are common in the ring - and they can hinder your performance. 

Shallow, rapid breathing can increase your heart rate and even trigger panic attacks. To counter these negative effects, practice deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly through your nose, exhale through your mouth, and focus on your breath. Especially when you’re in your corner in between rounds.

Deep breathing not only calms your nerves but also helps you maintain a relaxed state, which is crucial for reacting quickly during a fight. To ingrain this habit, practice incorporating breathing exercises into your training routine to make them second nature when you step into the ring.

Breathing is a powerful tool for controlling your body's response to stress. When you take deep breaths, you activate your body's relaxation response, which counteracts the fight-or-flight reaction.

This not only calms your mind but also keeps your muscles loose and ready for action. In high-stakes situations, remember that your breath is your anchor to the present moment. By focusing on your breath, you can center yourself and maintain composure even when the pressure is intense.

Positive Self-Talk.

The way you talk to yourself can significantly impact your performance in high-stress situations. 

Positive and uplifting self-talk can help you stay calm and focused. Identify a few words or phrases that resonate with you and boost your confidence. It’s important that you practice your self-talk regularly. When you're feeling anxious or stressed, remind yourself of these phrases. 

To ensure you don't forget them in the heat of the moment, write them down in your journal, on your phone's wallpaper, on your water bottle, or even on your gloves/boots. These constant reminders will brainwash you with the positive mindset you need to stay in control of your mind during your fight.

Self-talk isn't just about motivational phrases; it's also about maintaining a constructive internal dialogue. Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts or self-doubt, shift your focus to solutions and positive affirmations. For example, if you make a mistake during the fight, rather than berating yourself, say something like, "I'll learn from this and come back stronger." By framing challenges as opportunities for growth, you can maintain resilience and composure in the face of adversity.

Listen To Your Coach.

Listen To Your Coach

Listening to your coach is a fundamental skill in boxing. 

It's more than obeying commands; it's about trust and discipline. 

Trust in your coach's assessment of your abilities. They believe in your potential, and their guidance is a reflection of that belief. When you remember their teachings, you tap into a valuable resource that can help you stay composed and make strategic decisions, even when the pressure is intense.

Your coach guides you through the chaos, creating safety, preventing overthinking, and helping you navigate tough rounds against tough opponents. In boxing, as in life, a strong coach-student relationship, built on trust and dedication, is a pathway to success. Just as in the ring, where listening to your coach can make all the difference, so too can mentorship guide you toward greatness in life.

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It's completely normal to feel the pressure of the moment during fights.

Nervousness indicates that you care deeply about the outcome and that you're pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, which is an essential part of growth. However, how you manage those nerves can make or break your performance. Use the techniques we went over in this blog in your mental preparation before and during your fight to help you stay relaxed, focused, and alert.

Remember, the brain is a muscle that can be trained just like your physical skills. By incorporating these mental skills into your training routine, you'll be better prepared to be in control on game day. 

Embrace the nerves as a sign of your dedication and use them to your advantage. Staying calm during a fight isn't just about winning; it's about growing as an athlete and as an individual.

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