La meilleure corde à sauter pour la boxe

Have you been looking for the best jump rope for boxing?

If you're new to boxing or jumping rope, we know the endless selection can be overwhelming. So the real question is what jump rope do boxers use? 

the best jump rope for boxing & boxers - BoxRope skipping jump rope

We wrote this article as a “Boxers Guide” to help you choose the right rope for your training because a jump rope is one of the best pieces of physical fitness equipment you can own as a boxer.

To be a great boxer, you need the following skills:

  • Coordination
  • Timing
  • Agility
  • Endurance

  • Choosing the right jump rope for boxing will help you build these skills.

    When you think about boxing and watch professional boxers jump rope, there are two skills aside from the traditional single under jump rope moves that are common in a boxer's routine.


    The side swing is one of those moves that every boxer who jumps rope does because the side swing helps a lot with your quickness and timing. It also involves coordinating your entire body, allowing your arms and legs to move together in unison so you can execute the side swing.


    The double under is an essential trick to learn to improve your boxing skills. This skill is going to help your cardio, coordination, and timing because you’re moving your arms very quickly, so your timing has to be down pat. If you want to be a great boxer, this will help your timing in the ring.

    These two skills are staples in a boxers jump rope workout routine.

    Now that you know these skills, the next challenge is choosing the best jump rope for boxing.


    As a boxer, outside of the ring, you will be spending a lot of time jumping rope.

    Jumping rope helps you stay in peak physical condition and in fight shape.

    If you’re looking for the best jump rope for boxing you want a rope that isn’t too light and doesn’t break your rhythm by getting tangled up. For boxing, you want a jump rope that is:

  • Assez léger pour le travail de vitesse et assez lourd pour l'endurance
  • Longueur facilement réglable pour s'adapter à différentes tailles de corps
  • Poignée serrée pour une sensation satisfaisante et naturelle
  • Longue durée de vie et construit pour durer
  • Adjustable jump rope

    So in the summer of 2021, the founder of BoxRope, Lorenz Wueest, who is passionate about the sport of boxing, decided to put his engineering skills to use and design the perfect boxing speed rope. 

    He brainstormed ideas about how the best jump rope for boxing would feel and function. 

    Why? Because through his years of training in the ring, he found that traditional jump ropes and everything else on the market didn’t meet the needs for the intense workouts that boxing demands.

    Through over six months of designing, developing, and testing, The BoxRope Vol. 1. was born.


    The BoxRope Vol.1. is the most optimized jump rope for boxing.

    Fabriquée à partir d'une corde en PVC de haute qualité, elle pèse environ 15 % de plus et est enroulée 20 % plus serrée que les cordes à sauter traditionnelles. Le poids et la tension supplémentaires créent une sensation satisfaisante et naturelle.

    La BoxRope Vol.1. offre une agilité et un contrôle accrus qui vous permettent de créer des séances d'entraînement supérieures et d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats. C'est tout simplement la meilleure corde disponible, et nous savons que vous allez l'adorer.

    Si vous voulez passer au niveau supérieur, cliquez ici pour obtenir la meilleure corde à sauter pour la boxe.

    boxrope, jump rope for boxing, best jump rope for boxing, boxer skipping rope, boxer jump rope

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