Le mythe du talent naturel : les leçons d'un champion du monde de corde à sauter à 31 reprises

Many of us aspire to reach our fullest potential. The dream we have of ourselves at our very best, looking to get a little bit better every day is something we all strive to turn into a reality, but often we find ourselves hampered by perceived limitations.

The Myth of Natural Talent

Excuses that weigh us down like an anchor in deep ocean waters. One of the most common tropes we burden ourselves with is the classic "I'm just not naturally talented enough!". We decided to take a deeper look and debunk this myth of natural talent holding you back. Our case study is Tori Boggs, a 31-time Grand World Jump Rope Champion, and a 5-Time All Around Jump Rope World Champion, no big deal.

Tori's Thoughts On Her Natural Talent:

You would think for an individual to reach such heights they would have natural talent oozing out of their pores, correct? In an interview with WIRED, Tori recounts her first experiences with a jump rope:

"I remember the very first time I saw a jump rope, I was five years old. I couldn't stay away from it and thought it was the coolest thing! There was a lot of struggle, I was always having to practice really hard. There definitely was never a natural talent or an affinity toward using the rope."

Tori states that even to this day, as a world champion, she still goes through slumps where she has a love-hate relationship with her rope. Times when nothing is clicking and everything seems to be going against her, but she understands this is all just part of the process. Grinding through the peaks and valleys is what it takes to become a better version of herself.

What We Can Learn From Tori

Tori credits her success to sustained effort over a long period of time, perseverance through highs and lows, her love for jump rope, and last but not least, outstanding mentorship and guidance from her mother. If there is one lesson Tori teaches us, it's that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. She shows us that even without much natural talent, we can still achieve great things by taking it one small step at a time, whether it be picking up a rope and hitting a 20-minute workout, prepping a healthy meal, or finding a great mentor to guide us along the path. The truth remains, effort is the sole ingredient you need to fulfill your own unique potential and get closer and closer to your goals each and every day.


Vous cherchez la meilleure corde à sauter pour la boxe ?

Fabriquée à partir d'une corde en PVC de haute qualité, elle pèse environ 15 % de plus et est enroulée 20 % plus serrée que les cordes à sauter traditionnelles. Le poids et la tension supplémentaires créent une sensation satisfaisante et naturelle.

La BoxRope Vol.1. L'agilité et le contrôle accrus vous permettent de créer des séances d'entraînement supérieures et d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats. C'est tout simplement la meilleure corde disponible, et nous savons que vous allez l'adorer.

Si votre jeu passe au niveau supérieur, cliquez sur here pour obtenir la meilleure corde à sauter pour la boxe.

BoxRope | Best Jump Rope for Boxing | Boxer Skipping Rope | The Boxer Rope

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